ENERCORE Energy Feed Additive For Animals

ENERCORE Energy Feed Additive for Animals

Helps you optimize caloric efficiency, decrease feed costs, and improve animal performance and wellness

Are expensive traditional dietary energy sources costing you too much?

Energy is one of the most critical parts of your animal’s diet, but traditional energy sources are often the most expensive part of your feed bill.

What if you could reduce feed costs and optimize caloric efficiency without compromising animal performance or wellness?

Animals generate energy from nutrients in their diet to support everyday maintenance and health requirements and meet peak performance demands.

  • Carbohydrates and fats are the main dietary compounds animals metabolize to generate energy.

  • Animals can also efficiently and effectively generate glucose through a gluconeogenic metabolic pathway when metabolizing certain non-carbohydrates – including fats (lipids) and proteins.

Dietary Energy Sources Don’t Have To Be Expensive To Get Results

Like you, our team at Biosen is concerned about high feed costs. We created the ENERCORE energy feed source to help you optimize caloric efficiency in your animals, decrease feed costs, and save money – without compromising animal performance or well-being.

ENERCORE Energy Feed Source Bag

ENERCORE is an energy metabolism aid containing a mixture of:

  • Substrates (including amino acids, glycols, and propionates)

  • Co-factors

These nutrients provide glucose precursors and generate energy through gluconeogenesis.

ENERCORE energy feed additive spares up to 35 Kcal per lb of energy in diets, allowing you to replace traditional energy sources – or add it on top of traditional energy sources to help your animals achieve peak performance.

  • For poultry, swine, equine, and aquaculture (monogastric) diets, ENERCORE can be supplemented at 2 lb per ton

  • For ruminant diets, ENERCORE can be supplemented at 40 grams to 200 grams per head per day, depending on physiological state and production output.

Use an Effective and Affordable Energy Source

ENERCORE Energy Feed Additive Feeding Rates

For more specific feeding rate recommendations, please contact us and ask for our technical services specialist.

Animals Require Energy

Animals lacking adequate energy can lead to costly health and performance issues

ENERCORE Spares 35 kcal ME per pound of energy
ENERCORE is a safe, quality product made in the USA

Quality Product, Proven History of Success

Backed by 50 years of global animal nutrition and health expertise, ENERCORE energy feed source is a safe, quality product manufactured in a Safe Feed Safe Food certified facility in the USA.

All the individual ingredients contained in ENERCORE are FDA GRAS approved.

Today, ENERCORE is sold in more than 15 countries, giving you peace of mind it is safe to feed and confidence that it can help improve animal performance.

Energy Essential For Animal Performance

Essential Energy For Animal Performance

The dietary substrates and co-factors in ENERCORE can help your animals, including broilers, turkeys, layers, pigs, dairy cattle, beef cattle, horses, sheep, goats, fish, shrimp, game birds, backyard poultry, and show animals:

  • Improve energy utilization

  • Improve metabolic stress tolerance

  • Optimize energy metabolism during energy deficiency

  • Decrease potential risk of metabolic disorders

  • Improve hair and feather quality

  • Improve bone development

Ready for a more affordable energy source?

Try ENERCORE energy feed source
Save Money and Get Results With ENERCORE

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